Friday, January 16, 2015


                     Describe the sign in brief. (What is the picture a symbol of?)
What does the image mean? (What does the sign intend for the viewer to do when he/she sees it?)
Where is usually found? 
                1.The first picture is a tent. It is found on a campground. 
                2.The second picture is a picnic table. 
                3.This image is a school. Lets you know that it is a school nearby 
                4.This is a sign that would be on a bathroom door to tell wether its for boys or girls. 
                5. This image is a parking sign. Lets you know if u can park there or not.
                6. The image is a picture of a person sleep. You see it at hotels. 
                7. The image is a sigh of a fork and spoon. You can see it at restaurant. 
                8. This image is a sign of a hiker. Lets you know that is a trail. 
                9. This an image of a handicap person. You can see it on a handicap parking sign. 
               10. This is an image of an information sign. You normally find it on a website for more information. 
               11. This is an image of milk and an apple. It is seen at a grocery store. 
               12. This is an image of a phone. Usually seen on a pay phone. 
               13. This is an image of a hiker. You can find them by mountains. 
               14. This is an image of boat. You can find them by loading ports.
               15. This is an image of an anchor. You can find them on a large boat. 
               16. This is an image of a scuba diver. You can find the person in an ocean
               17. This is an image of a sailor boat.You can find them in the midl of the ocean. 
               18. This is an image of a boat tour. You can find it near a long narrow body of water. 
               19. This is an image of a person swimming. You can see it by a pool. 
               20. This is an image of someone fishing. You can find it by a river. 
               21. This is an image of someone inside a log on  body of water. 
               22. This image is someone skiing .You can see it by a mountain. 
               23. This is also an image of a person skiing going down a big hill. 
               24. This is an image of someone on a snow mobile. 
               25.This is an image of someone on a sled.You can see it on a mountain. 
               26.This is an image of someone ice skating.You can see it were a large amount of ice. 
               27. This is a image of someone riding a horse.
               28. This is an image of a horse in a barn. You can see it by a barn.
               29. This is an image of a person riding a bike. You can see it near a bike trail.
               30. This is an image of a metro sign. You can see it on a bus stop.
               31. This is an image of a train. You can see it near a train station.
               32. This is an image of a car. You see it at a car dealership.
               33. This is an image of a motorcycle. You can see it on a dirt trail.
               34. This is an image of a car overheating.
               35. This is an image of a gas pump. You can see it by a gas station.
               36. This is an image of an airplane. You can see it at LAX.
               37. This is an image of a glass of water or milk.
               38. This is an image of mail. You can see it in a mailbox.
               39. This is an image of a cross. You can see it on  by a hospital.
               40. This is an image of an H. You can see it on a helipad.
               41. This is an image of an amphitheater. You can find it near people who are performing.
               42. This is an image of someone golfing. You can find it by a golf course.
               43. This is an image of a campfire. You can see it by a campground.
               44. This is an image of someone throwing away trash or a litter receptacle.
               45. This is an image of recycling. You can see it on a bottle or can.
               46. This is an image of a dog on a leash. You could see them at a dog park.
               47. This is an image of a shelter.
               48. This is a image of a RV campground. You can see it at trailer parks.
               49. This is an image of a sanitary disposal. You can find it on the streets. 

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